*All sessions take place in room G16 in the Victoria Rooms (BS8 1SA) unless otherwise stated*
Thursday 06 June
Noon: Registration Opens (Registration noon-5pm)
1pm: Welcome—
1:15-2:45 Session 1 (Chair: James McNally)
Frederik Schreiber / “Schlakks” (Independent), “”What Elements?!” – An Artist-educator’s Perspective (on a Modern Myth in Contemporary Hip Hop Culture?)”
Alex de Lacey (Goldsmith’s College), “Grime music’s ‘elements’: the development of the ‘through ball’ as a performance technique and the implications of tradition and codification upon creative practice”
Sarah Little (University of Leeds), “Elemental models, Tenets-based models and Alternative models: Methodological Approaches to socially engaged, externally commissioned Hip Hop arts work”
2:45-3:15pm: Tea/Coffee
3.15-4:45pm Session 2 (Chair: Séverin Guillard)
[Scandinavian branch meeting as well at this time, Harley Room]
Enrico Zammarchi (Ohio State University), “‘Italians do it strange’: Variations and Distinctions in Italian Hip-Hop”
Michalis Poupazis (University College Cork), “The Kebab Leitmotif: Foodstuff and Hip-Hop Amongst Cypriot Muslims in Birmingham (UK)”
Ariel Smith (Purdue University), “Hungry, Hustlers: Introducing Food as the Unrecognized Founding Element of Hip Hop”
5pm–6:30pm Session 3 (Chair: Adam de Paor Evans)
Mads Krogh (University of Aarhus, Denmark), “Elements of what? – hip-hop culture’s compositeness as a case for genre theory”
Michael Bridgewater (Newcastle University), Signifyin(g) as Hip Hop’s Primordial ‘Element’ and Technologically-Mediated Composition
Elsa Vallot (University of Southern California), “Hip-hop and gloves”
6:30pm Dinner (on own)
8pm: Performances and “beat battle” (hosted by Louis Den). Venue: Mr. Wolfs, 32 St. Nicholas St, BS1 1TG.
08:00 DOORS
08:10 3PM Q&A
Send beats for competition to battle@louisden.com (or there will be a sign up at the door)
Friday 07 June
8:30am: coffee and registration (8:30-1:30: Registration open)
9:15am-10:45am– Session 4: Education (Chair: Sarah Little)
Janine Francois (Design School / London College of Communication), “‘Each one teach one:’ teachin’ Hip-Hop studies within an arts school context. An arts educator responds”
Valentin Chenier (University of Oulu, Finland), “KEEP IT REAL, TEACH IT WELL!: For more equity at the French School: Hip-hop pedagogy as a means to value low cultural capitals”
Thomasz Kwapien (Independent), “Knowledge of the Self: Rap and Knowledge in HipHop Education in the Ruhr Area, Germany”
10:45-11am: quick break
11am-12:30–Session 5 (Chair: James McNally)
Frank Thomas (Independent), “Where You’re from of Where You’re At: Mapping Rappers in London”
Adam de Paor-Evans (University of Central Lancashire), “The Myth of the Elements: Compilation, Representation and the Construction of Hip-Hop in Rural Britain During the 1980s”
David Diallo (University of Bordeaux, France), “ ‘A Rapper is an MC is a Rapper’: Toward a Practical Definition of Emceeing”
12:30-1:30pm Lunch (provided)
1:30-2:30pm Session 6 (Chair: Venla Sykari) [In Room G12]
Frieda Frost (German Sport University, Cologne), “Dialogic movement: the cypher as cultural space of meaning within Breaking”
Carpetface (Independent), “Unsung Elements of Hip Hop – Headskills and the NEW BIAS”
2:30-2:45pm: quick break
2:45pm-3:45pm Session 7: Graff (Chair: Séverin Guillard)
Axel Gossiaux (University of Liège, Belgium), “ ‘Graffiti’ and ‘Street Art’: Some Categories between Repression and Recognition?”
Jacob Kimvall (Stockholm University), “Hip-hop as a Conceptual Assemblage”
3:45-4:15pm: tea/coffee break
4:15pm-5:45pm KEYNOTE Q&A–Juice Aleem and J. Griffith Rollefson (Chair: Justin Williams)
“Fifth Element Metaphysics: Building Hip Hop Knowledge from Afroflux to CIPHER”
6pm: dinner [on own]
CUBE CINEMA (Panel, Q&A and Film Screening): Dove St S, Avon, Bristol BS2 8JD
Doors 7:30pm
8pm: PANEL “Creating Safe Spaces for Womxn: Redressing the gender balance in Hiphop, Grime and Drum & Bass” (“Unity” (b-girl, graffiti writer, MC, DJ, Ladies of Rage), MC Angel (founder of Lyrically Challenged), Shakira Walters (founder of Girls of Grime), Ffion Wyn Morris (founder of Ladies of Rage), Chloe Shaw (Galdem of Eden))
9pm: SCREENING of Girl Power (2016, dir Sany, Jan Zajícek)
Delegates are already registered for the film, but any non-delegates who want to sign up for a free ticket, go to:
Saturday 08 June
9am-10:30am: business meeting
*All are welcome to attend to help develop the network*
10:30am-10:45am: Coffee break
10:45-12:15 Session 8 (Chair: Steven Gamble)
Michail Exarchos (London College of Music, University of West London), “BoomBap as Element: Reimagining the phonographic in sample-based HipHop from the lens of a European beat-maker”
Susan Lindholm (Malmö University), “Representation and belonging – Negotiating Feminisms through HipHop”
Florian Coppenrath (Humboldt University and Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient), “Instagram, native advertising and a barber shop: The economy of Hip-Hop in Kyrgyzstan”
12:15-1:30: Lunch (provided)
1:30-3pm Session 9: Autoethnography (Chair: J. Griffith Rollefson)
Inka Rantakallio (University of Turku, Finland), “Rap Scholar(s) and the fifth element: an autoethnographic view on knowledge production in a Finnish hip hop radio show”
Dave Hook (Edinburgh Napier University), “Scottish People Can’t Rap: An autoethnographic discussion on the local and global in Scottish hip-hop”
Rufus Mufasa (Independent), “Outside in – inside out”
3pm-3:20: Coffee break
3:20-4:50pm Panel– “Latino rap in Europe”
Milin Bonomi (University of Milan), Victor Corona (University of Lleida)
With artist-activists Empedernida (Barcelona, Spain), Achinado Elemental (Barcelona), Mr Data (Milan)
5pm-6:00pm Panel– “Rhythm & Translation: Hip-Hop’s Binding Nexus” [Auditorium]
Terrence Kumpf (Mittweida University of Applied Sciences), Sanni Loetzsch (Kid Be Kid)
6:00pm: Closing thoughts and Discussion [In G16]
7pm-8pm: Kid Be Kid Concert [Auditorium]